BRISNOW - Face Brightening Whitening Serum 1EA - Box o' Bliss

Box o' Bliss

BRISNOW - Face Brightening Whitening Serum 1EA

  • Price
    $31.85 $52.31


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BRISNOW - Face Brightening Whitening Serum 

Excellent product for brightening and antiaging!  (Step 2)





The product contains concentrated nutrients that help skin whitening and elasticity to the maximum level.


Product Description

  • Nutrients and moisture can be conveyed to the deep inside of the skin after use, so that you can feel the tightness in the inner skin disappear and you will have skin gloss.
  • As the product’s pea ingredient (protein) is maximized, it gives high nutrition to the skin and increases skin elasticity.
  • Licorice root extract, which is a medicinal herb, is added to enhance skin soothing effect.
  • The product contains silk extract, similar to the protein of the human skin, which can penetrate into the skin.
  • As the product is free from chemical preservatives and other chemicals, pregnant women/young people can use it safely. 
  • After serum is thoroughly absorbed into the skin, apply the product of the following step (Moisture Cream). You will have improved skin feel as the tightness of the inner skin will disappear.




How To Use

Take an appropriate amount on your hands, apply it on the desired skin area, and have it absorbed to the skin. (Please shake it before use.)






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