Arivie - Ami Green Scalp Spa Shampoo (500g) - Box o' Bliss

Box o' Bliss

Arivie - Ami Green Scalp Spa Shampoo (500g)

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{{ option_product ? money_str_c2d(option_product.price_curr * cart_item.qty) : ' ' }}

{{ money_str_c2d(parent_product.price_curr * cart_item.qty) }}

({{ formatKRW(parent_product.price_curr_won * cart_item.qty) }})

({{ money_str_c2d(parent_product.price_curr * cart_item.qty * ((cart_item.product.single_purchase == 1) ? 0 : cp_rate)) }} Cashback)
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Min. purchase: $0 (Bundled Shipping items)
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Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, USA
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Available in Korea only

{{ parent_product['opt' + (idx + 1)] }}


사용장소: {{ cart_item.product.gift_card_product.use_area }}

유의사항: {{ cart_item.product.gift_card_product.use_limit }}

주의사항: {{ cart_item.product.gift_card_product.use_note }}

*쿠프 마케팅(발행자): 1644-5093 (09:30~18:00/토,일 공휴일 제외/통화료 발생)

Expiration date: 20250207

Main ingredients: Soybean Extract, Citric Acid, Butylene Glycol

Capacity: 500g


This is a daily shampoo for healthy, clean scalp and shining hair.







KMALL24 Arivie - Ami Green Scalp Spa Shampoo (500g) shampoo K-beauty

KMALL24 Arivie - Ami Green Scalp Spa Shampoo (500g) shampoo K-beauty


KMALL24 Arivie - Ami Green Scalp Spa Shampoo (500g) shampoo K-beauty ewg

[KITA-GWANGJU SOURCING FAIR 2023] MOU signed with Singapore company.

KMALL24 Arivie - Ami Green Scalp Spa Shampoo (500g) shampoo K-beauty

IBE Internaltional Beauty Expo

KMALL24 Arivie - Ami Green Scalp Spa Shampoo (500g) shampoo K-beauty ewgKMALL24 Arivie - Ami Green Scalp Spa Shampoo (500g) shampoo K-beauty ewg

KMALL24 Arivie - Ami Green Scalp Spa Shampoo (500g) shampoo K-beautyMOU signed with Vietnamese company.
Arivie, try various activities!Arivie


Ami Scalp Spa Shampoo

Ami Green Scalp Spa Shampoo Daily shampoo for clean and healthy scalp

and shiny hair

TIP. Leave the shampoo bubble on the scalp for 2-3 minutes so that the dead scalp cells and skin waste get washed off easily.

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