Farm & matzzang -Korea Dried Seaweed Chips- 50gX19EA - Box o' Bliss

Box o' Bliss

Farm & matzzang -Korea Dried Seaweed Chips- 50gX19EA

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*쿠프 마케팅(발행자): 1644-5093 (09:30~18:00/토,일 공휴일 제외/통화료 발생)

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three flavors 

 Sesame flavor  hot and spicy chicken flavor  original flavor

Filled with savory sesame seeds  Delicious sesame flavor crispy laver snack

The savory flavor and taste of crispy laver snacktopped with sesame seeds are the best.

Its crispy, savory and salty taste makes it a good nutritious snack for children, and it is good for everyone of all ages to enjoy

Hot and spicy chicken flavor crispy laver snack

crispy laver snack to enjoy in a different way. It's so sweet, you can't stop

Crispy and savory crispy laver snack are added with the hot and spicy chicken seasoning that is trending these days, making it even more unique

This can be enjoyed as a light snack or paired perfectly with beer

Wait! What are the crispy laver snack?

It is a food made by spreading glutinous rice paste on laver, drying them, and then frying them in oil when needed. It is a special fried food unusual even in traditional Korean dishes. Once cooked in oil, the rice paste puffs up, giving it a very crunchy and savory texture.

We make crispy laver snack with care and sincerity.

It is ‘completeness of sincerity’, and is a precious food that was served on the king's table in the royal court during the Joseon Dynasty or served on the table for the nobility or guest.

Precious crispy laver snackand seasoned & fried laver flake are more crispy in a zipper bag

Convenient zipper bag and ample 50g size

Enjoy three flavors of crispy laver snake like this way

Nutritious snack for my child

Unlike instant snacks, it's light and delicious

The taste of the raw material is contained as it is.

Made with care in a certified safe facility.

It is a product made with sincerity in a thoroughly managed and clean production facility certified by HACCP.

KMALL24 Farm & matzzang -Korea Dried Seaweed Chips- 50gX19EA Laver Seaweed chips seafood snacks crispy seasoned flakes kfood

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