K-BUNSIK - TOK-POKI SPICY CHEESE (150g) - Box o' Bliss

Box o' Bliss


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{{ money_str_c2d(parent_product.price_curr * cart_item.qty) }}

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{{ parent_product['opt' + (idx + 1)] }}


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*쿠프 마케팅(발행자): 1644-5093 (09:30~18:00/토,일 공휴일 제외/통화료 발생)

* Spicy cheese flavor is the fantastic combination of savory spicy sauce and natural cheese!

* This product is certified as halal food that anyone can eat regardless of religion

* This product is stored at room temperature (Shelf life: 1 year)





1. This product is certified as halal food that anyone can eat regardless of religio
2. Shelf life: 1 year
3. This product is stored at room temperature
4. Sauce made only with dried red pepper powder instead of red chili pepper paste (gochujang) is tasty
5. Spicy cheese flavor is the fantastic combination of savory spicy sauce and natural cheese!




*How to cook:
1. Pour 100ml of water into the pan, add the sauce and rice cake then stir well.
2. Stir slowly with medium heat for 3~4 minutes until it's boiling and the sauce thickening. Serve and enjoy!

KMALL24 K-BUNSIK - TOK-POKI SPICY CHEESE (140g) food bunsik cheese rice cake ttokbokki koran

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